Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Whore-mones and ....

Some days are harder than others.  Yesterday seemed so full of "heavy" thoughts and feelings.  There wasn't one bad thing, just tons of weight.  I felt restless and tired and unfulfilled. 

With my weigh in and measure session, I was very pleased.  I was hip and happy.  But that was short-lived.  I simply wanted to observe the day from the couch (very Un-Danny), or a car window (Very Danny).  I wanted to drive up along the coast or meander thru the forests in the mountains.  But being tied to a desk wasn't where I wanted to be, yet it was just where I ended up.  And that put a true damper on my day. 

I actually went back to the Baxter Stairs to do ONE up and down session; but, a true work issue interrupted my journey.  It HAD to be dealt with;  and, I cruised right past the stairs.  Later, I joined a friend for a drink and that didn't make me happy either.  In the end I came home and went to bed at 7:15.  And I got up at 5:26.  For me some things are just dealt with better with sleep.  Perhaps I overdid it a little this weekend, perhaps I was a little depressed, perhaps it was hormones, perhaps it was the moon.   "Quizás, Quizás, Quizás"

SAGE of mine gave me great advice last week. (He always does.)  Sage says that all diets and exercise programs and life changes should be in 2 day increments.  (One day at a time is PERFECT.  But for some of us, 2 days work better.)  Here's his thoughts on 2 day increments.  "Not every day is perfect.  No matter what that day is: Diet, work project, etc.  But if you look at it in 2 day increments, you get a better picture.  So yesterday wasn't the best it could be, make TODAY the day to help offset yesterday."  So Monday wasn't so HOT for Dannyboy, but Tuesday WILL right my ship from it's slight listing.  Hey, at least I haven't rolled over and sank, I was only temporarily listing.  Heave-Ho!  (Oh no, that's at the end of a date.  Sorry!)

With Love (For Myself) and You!

1 comment:

  1. I keep reminding myself - and some days I'm better at remembering than others - that this is a lifestyle change. I'm changing habits that have had over 30 years to form! They won't change overnight and they won't go into the night easily. The old habits are going to fight hard - they want to stay around so they're not going to make it easy on you. Just remember that each day you get closer and closer to your goal.
