Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oh that's where I left you....

My goodness, I have been so blown away by the gorgeous weather that I left my friend BLOG behind.  I spent two glorious days doing little or nothing over the weekend.  Or at least nothing that MADE me money.  I invested a little money in my wardrobe, but that won't net me too much of a gain, except pleasant looks.  :)  And I like those.

Yesterday, I had a GREAT photo shoot with my chum Sara Corwin.  It was way past time to get updated head shots.  Mine are so old they are in black and white and crumbled and frayed at the edges.  LOL  Being the predictable Pisces that I am, I took a trunk load of clothing options.  I paid to have three changes of outfit, so I had a double layered pink/brown, an electric lime green and a blue/white herringbone array of shirts.  I LOVE to be photographed so it was two plus hours of pure bliss. Darling Sara had recently broken here leg or ankle and she was in a cast but such a trouper.  I was the first client with her being in a cast and since I'm easy (in so many ways) we had a blast.  Tara did my makeup and Laura helped out too.  All in all, it was a great time.   I will update with a photo once I get the proofs.  Trust me when I say digital was and is and will be so much easier.

Now comes the fun part.  I am such a social creature, but only when I want to be.  That's not only the Pisces in me but the ONLY child syndrome too.  And yet another thing:  I DO know what makes me happy.  I am asked to go to work related things and I really don't like to.  I am a "separationist" type of fellow.  I like to keep work and home separate.  (I like for church and state to be separate too, just in case you wanted to know that.)  I am so very lucky that the people with whom I work are very good to me, just as I am to them.  But I like my evenings to myself and my personal time to myself.  I can say with truth that I've been burned a number of times when work and personal collided (or were combined).  That isn't the only thing.  To a small percent I am a class believer.  (While I detest others to say someone should know their place, I feel free saying I know my place and I keep it with respect.  I believe that I can know my place but never yours. So I like to keep my place.)  And  I don't want to say or do anything that "I" feel is inappropriate.  I respect others.  And by the same token, I want and desire the same thing.

So now we will see if I sit here on my Rusty Dusty and surf the net  - or - if I "make nice" and go to this birthday dinner. 

Heavy hearted and conflicted.  We shall see and I will probably confess all at a later time.

Peace (I'm a-lookin' for it)

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